Saturday 15 August 2015

My little helper

Just doing a little reading this morning while Ethan was playing with his trucks, when he came over to give me a hand.

He was very interested in the licensing material and wanted to help me learn!

Oh wait nah he wants to play! Hahaha

As I am trying to get back to all the wonderful families that have emailed me about Little Treasures, I realized that they all have very interesting and different stories. I am finding it all very fascinating and remember back to when I was trying to find part time daycare and had so many concerns. Ethan couldn't walk yet, had no teeth and couldn't feed himself. There  are so many things I wanted the person who would be caring for him to know, but people kept telling me to just secure a spot and not to worry. That is not how I want to run my daycare, I want to make sure that the parents, the children and myself and staff are very comfortable with each child's needs. All families are different and that's what makes are community so special! As I am working on the "Parent Package" in my course this weekend, I am keeping in mind all the great stories I have received from parents!

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